Ra Villages Set to Lead Disaster Preparedness Revolution

Sakiasi Ditoka, the Minister for Rural and Maritime Development and Disaster Management, has called on other communities to take inspiration from the villages in the Naiyalayala district of Ra, highlighting their readiness and resilience in the face of disasters.

During an event at Togovere Village in Ra, Ditoka inaugurated Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) training for five communities within the Naiyalayala region.

In his address at the launch, Ditoka emphasized that such initiatives could enhance the nation’s ability to endure and recover from natural disasters. This initiative was developed through the collaboration of the Tikina Naiyalayala Development Committee, the Fiji Water Foundation, and the US-based CERT Community Emergency Response Team, driven by the recognized need for robust disaster preparedness plans.

“As a nation, we aim to bolster community resilience and ensure our communities are well-equipped to confront any challenges that may arise. The destruction caused by natural disasters is not unfamiliar to the tikina of Naiyalayala. This area has faced significant damage from cyclones, floods, and droughts, impacting livelihoods, housing, and health,” Ditoka stated.

The current training sessions, backed by the National Disaster Management Office (NDMO), will complement the nationally adopted Community-Based Disaster Risk Management Manual. NDMO officers will also participate to ensure the training aligns with national standards.

The primary objectives of this collaborative effort are to empower the community with the necessary skills to react to emergencies and disasters, to enhance capacity by teaching local volunteers about emergency response protocols, first aid, fire safety, and disaster management, and to enable local leaders to take charge during crises.

“I sincerely thank the Tikina Naiyalayala for their commitment to this cause. The Fiji Water Foundation has continually focused on supporting the communities where their employees reside and work. Through every initiative, such as this one aimed at boosting community resilience via CERT in Tikina Naiyalayala, their commitment to community empowerment and resilience is evident,” he added.

This program, guided by CERT’s expertise and supported by the National Disaster Management Office, aims to strengthen the community’s disaster resilience and facilitate swift recovery through education and awareness initiatives.

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