Expect fierce competition among the nine contestants competing for this year’s Miss Vodafone Friendly North title. The festival, known for celebrating beauty and community spirit, has adopted “Sustainable agriculture: Green economy” as its central theme for the event.
Scheduled to take place at Subrail Park in Labasa from August 31 to September 7, the week-long festival will see participants advocating for various aspects of sustainable agriculture.
Festival president Zihan Ibrahim emphasized that sustainable agriculture is more than a passing trend; it is a crucial transition needed to maintain a healthy and productive environment. “By focusing on this theme, we aim to raise awareness and encourage positive action towards a greener future,” she said.
Funds raised during the festival will be directed towards establishing a greenhouse for Labasa Hospital, which will enable the facility to be self-sufficient in providing fresh vegetables to its patients.
Ms. Ibrahim also mentioned plans to construct a restroom facility on the park’s ground two, noting that while many events are hosted there, a proper restroom has been lacking.
In addition to the queen category, three men will also compete for the king’s title.