Queen for a Cause: Miss Nasinu Contestant Takes on Domestic Violence

Seven contestants are set to compete for the title of Miss Nasinu Carnival 2024 in the coming two weeks. Among these participants is Vinaina Marawa, who aims to raise awareness about domestic violence within homes and communities. Ms. Marawa is determined to use the week-long carnival as a platform to address this critical issue.

Fiji has alarmingly high rates of violence against women, with statistics indicating that two-thirds of women in the country experience physical or sexual violence from a partner at some point in their lives. Furthermore, 60 percent of women face serious challenges in their homes due to lack of support and abusive situations.

Representing the Nasinu Town Council, Ms. Marawa has a background in beauty pageants. At just 18 years old, she participated in the Hibiscus Festival Teen category. She views her involvement in events like the Nasinu Carnival as a chance to serve her community with dignity and respect. “It’s not about the clothes or looks; it’s about representing our community,” Ms. Marawa stated. She emphasized her commitment to advocacy and her desire to inspire change at the national level through her voice.

Ms. Marawa believes that real change must start at home. As the eldest of eight siblings raised by a single mother, she reflects on the responsibilities she bore. She found it challenging to balance household duties with her studies, but her mother’s unwavering support made her experiences rewarding. During this year’s Nasinu Carnival, the young advocate plans to utilize the platform to promote change.

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