Promoting Accountability and Good Governance: A-G’s Bold Move

The Accountability and Transparency Commission will ensure that public officials are held accountable, leading to fairer treatment of people, says Attorney General Graham Leung.

While delivering his maiden speech in Parliament this week, the AG said he strongly believed that the setup of the commission was “crucial and overdue,” and he intended “to make every effort to put in place the legislative measures to enable the commission to be established.”

“This will be a further step towards promoting good governance, reducing corruption, and building trust among our people,” Mr. Leung stated.

“The commission will bring about greater accountability in government. It will help to ensure that public officials are held accountable, leading to fairer treatment of people. When people can see how decisions are made and how funds are allocated and spent, it will strengthen their confidence in government and our democratic institutions.

“The commission, when established, will contribute to good governance, which is reflected in Fiji’s National Development Plan and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.”

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