Projects Align with NDP, Says Singh

Ranjila Singh, a specialist in climate change mitigation, has revealed that the National Climate Change Finance Strategy has outlined several priority projects from the adaptation and mitigation sectors. These projects, she revealed at a panel discussion at the Situation Analysis Workshop on Forest Landscape Restoration, were in line with the National Development Plan.

Singh explained, “The finances we currently receive are principally aligned to the finance strategy.” She mentioned that some of these projects had been presented to the National Climate Change Committee.

“They will prioritize these projects based on the government’s needs and priorities, and then the project will be implemented accordingly,” she said.

Singh also revealed that her division has secured a substantial $5.7 million from the adaptation fund for 16 communities that had requested nature-based sea walls. She added, “we collaborate with agencies based on the funding we have, but we also receive requests from ministries for projects that need funding.”

The original article information can be found on The Fiji Times.

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