Political Turmoil: Can Trust be Restored in Fiji’s Leadership?

Savenaca Narube, the leader of the Unity Fiji Party and a former Governor of the Reserve Bank of Fiji, is urging the Government to address internal issues. He expressed concern that reports of factions within the government, including those in the Cabinet planning to create a new political party, will not resolve the existing leadership and economic challenges in the country.

This comment follows Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka’s disclosure that he has been informed of divisions within his party, with some members considering a split to establish a new party in 2026. Narube emphasized that the essence of political parties is insignificant compared to the credibility of their leaders. He cautioned that the same politicians merely change parties without altering their core agendas, which are often driven by a thirst for power.

Narube referenced the history of the People’s Alliance (PA) party leader, predicting a repeat of past behaviors among politicians lacking principles. He stated that the trust deficit among the citizens towards their political leaders has grown over the past twenty years. He called on voters to be discerning and not misled by familiar faces dressed in new political garb.

He urged citizens to exercise their democratic rights in the upcoming 2026 elections by voting out unreliable politicians. Narube called for a leader who can transform the economy, reduce poverty, alleviate living costs, foster unity among races, ensure public safety, and eradicate corruption, particularly at high levels of government. He underscored the importance of trust in leadership for the future of Fiji.

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