Patience Requested as FijiFirst Deregistration Appeal Unfolds

Electoral Commission chair Barbara Malimali has urged the public to “be patient” as the Commission deals with an appeal from Opposition MP Alvick Maharaj, who is contesting the deregistration of FijiFirst.

In a media statement, Malimali explained that the hearings are currently in progress and the Commission is required to publish its findings after the hearings conclude.

“The Electoral Commission is making every effort to ensure fairness to both parties. I understand that the public wants to stay informed, and we will provide updates,” she stated.

Malimali also noted that a press release summarizing the findings will be issued at the end of the process, requesting that the public wait for the information as it will be shared soon.

She emphasized the importance of taking the necessary time to arrive at the correct decision rather than rushing the process.

“Both parties have made their submissions during the hearings, and while it might be taking longer than some would prefer, we believe it is better to take time and do it right,” she added.

Malimali acknowledged that many factors are at play, including considerations raised by both Maharaj and the Registrar of Political Parties, and reiterated the Commission’s commitment to hearing all sides before reaching a conclusion.

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