Pastors Under Fire: Calls for a Spiritual Revitalization in Fiji

The secretary of the Methodist Church in Fiji’s evangelism department, Reverend Iliesa Koroi, has expressed concerns that some pastors are neglecting their responsibilities. Mr. Koroi stated that throughout his years of work, he has observed a decline in the effectiveness of these ministers in fulfilling their roles.

“I am not embarrassed to admit this, but the ministers are not performing their duties,” he remarked. He contrasted current ministers with the early missionaries, noting that only two missionaries were able to make a significant spiritual impact despite facing great challenges, including wars and the practice of cannibalism.

Today, with over 100 ministers, Mr. Koroi pointed out that social issues continue to rise, suggesting that the church is not delivering the right message and failing to do its job effectively. He endorsed the church’s initiative to impose stricter regulations on yaqona and cigarette use, urging ministers to limit their consumption of kava and concentrate on strengthening their spiritual health and the structure of their family and church communities.

He reminisced about the past, when family hymns filled the air in every neighborhood, a practice that seems to have diminished in recent times. Mr. Koroi emphasized the importance of the church’s role in sharing testimonies that can lead others to salvation.

He shared stories of individuals he has encountered who have found hope through the right messages, including those who were battling suicidal thoughts, leaving behind drug dealing, and overcoming alcoholism. “The reason why I was saved – to save them,” he said, stressing that the church’s focus has become too narrow, merely preaching about reaching heaven while failing to address pressing social issues.

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