Pastors Under Fire: Are They Failing Their Congregations?

The secretary of the Methodist Church in Fiji’s evangelism department, Reverend Iliesa Koroi, has raised concerns about some pastors not fulfilling their responsibilities. He expressed during his tenure that many ministers have become ineffective in their roles.

Koroi stated, “I am not embarrassed to say this, but the ministers are not doing their job.” He highlighted that when the first missionaries arrived, only two were present, yet they successfully guided the local population spiritually. Despite having over 100 ministers today, he noted that social issues continue to rise, attributing this to a failure to deliver the correct message and perform their duties adequately.

He endorsed the church’s initiative for a stricter stance on yaqona and cigarette smoking, urging ministers to refrain from excessive kava consumption and to focus on enhancing their spiritual health and that of their church communities. Koroi reminisced about the tradition of family hymns being sung in households, which he feels has diminished in recent times.

Koroi emphasized the importance of the church’s mission, mentioning testimonies from individuals whose lives dramatically improved after receiving the right message. He cited instances of people who were on the brink of suicide, former drug dealers, and alcoholics who found hope through the church’s outreach.

He concluded by indicating a challenge within the church, stating that it focuses too much on the pursuit of heaven while neglecting pressing social issues.

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