Illustration of USP launches Centre for Sustainable Futures

Pacific University Launches Centre for Sustainable Futures Amid Climate Crisis

The University of the South Pacific (USP) has unveiled its new Centre for Sustainable Futures, which will serve as a central hub for climate change research and collaboration. The initiative has received initial funding from the Aotearoa New Zealand International Climate Finance Strategy, aiming for long-term sustainability and impact across Pacific Island nations.

USP Vice-Chancellor and President, Professor Pal Ahluwalia, emphasized the urgency of fostering collaboration and consolidating expertise in climate change research, policy, and leadership. He stated, “For us in the Pacific, climate change is more than the greatest challenge of our time. For us, the threat goes beyond that. The loss of our villages and our islands leads to the demise of our cultures, our identities, indeed our mana.”

Professor Ahluwalia pointed out that the Pacific has always demonstrated remarkable strength and resilience by coming together to address challenges. He described USP as a platform for collective efforts to drive change. The Centre aims to promote a multi-disciplinary, integrated, and strategic approach to addressing climate change and enhancing resilience.

He noted that achieving a sustainable future for the Pacific necessitates increased research capacity, comprehensive impact studies, capacity-building initiatives, academic programs, community-focused policies, and climate finance strategies that will benefit the entire region.

The Centre will bolster USP’s fundamental role as a traditional university committed to researching and disseminating new knowledge through teaching, training, and publications. This initiative is expected to cultivate a new generation of Pacific climate change researchers, policymakers, and legislators equipped to lead their communities in tackling the challenges presented by climate change.

The Centre is set to begin its operations in the coming months.

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