Pacific Recyclers Alliance: A Game Changer for Grassroots Recycling

The newly established Pacific Recyclers Alliance is making strides in grassroots recycling initiatives and empowering Collection Pillars of Recycling, the individuals who collect recyclables, following the 4th Clean Pacific Round Table (CPRT) held by SPREP in Tuvalu.

The Secretariat of the Pacific Recyclers Alliance, along with the Pacific Recycling Foundation, hailed this accomplishment as significant for both the CPR community and the wider grassroots recycling movement.

Amitesh Deo, Founder of the Pacific Recycling Foundation and Secretary of the Pacific Recyclers Alliance, stated that the CPRT has reaffirmed the establishment of the Alliance, which brings together six National Recyclers Associations to unify waste management and pollution control across the Pacific and to advocate for the essential role that Collection Pillars of Recycling play in member nations.

Pacific Island Countries and Territories are encouraged to form National Recyclers Associations to enhance their membership and representation in the Alliance.

Deo shared the Alliance’s excitement, emphasizing that their concerns are finally receiving attention. He noted that the recognition of the Collection Pillars of Recycling in the CPRT outcomes represents a major win for the numerous individuals involved in recycling operations across Fiji and other Pacific nations.

“This acknowledgment validates the efforts and dedication of these communities, which are vital to the region’s recycling and waste management initiatives,” Deo remarked.

Deo further explained that the term “Collection Pillars of Recycling,” initially introduced by a group of women in Vunato, Lautoka, who were previously known as waste pickers, is now gaining recognition in regional discussions.

This development signifies an important milestone as a term coined by informal recyclables collectors is now part of high-level policy conversations, highlighting their crucial role in crafting sustainable waste management strategies throughout the Pacific.

Deo affirmed that this recognition at the regional level not only enhances the status of informal recyclables collectors but also bolsters the foundation for sustainable waste management practices. He reiterated the Pacific Recyclers Alliance’s commitment to advocating for CPR and grassroots recycling organizations across the Pacific.

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