Residents of Pacific Harbour are expressing their dissatisfaction over the deteriorating condition of the beachfront, which has become cluttered with trash and shattered glass following the recent holiday season. Rohini Latchman, a property owner with a view of the beach, shared her concerns as she guided a local journalist along the shoreline to illustrate the extent of the problem.
The beach is littered with an array of waste, including cartons, plastic bottles, and broken glass, remnants left behind by holiday visitors. Latchman pointed out that the litter has accumulated since Boxing Day, attributing much of the debris to people who frequent the area but do not take responsibility for cleaning up after themselves. “If you walk along this beach, especially in front of my property, you will find all kinds of rubbish scattered about,” she stated.
Latchman also highlighted the environmental dangers posed by this garbage, noting that the rising tide is likely to sweep much of it into the ocean. She lamented the apparent lack of accountability among visitors, stating, “There is no sense of responsibility. People don’t feel compelled to care about cleanliness or the environmental consequences of their actions.” Many of the offenders, she noted, appear to be tourists from outside the Pacific Harbour region.
Despite assurances from local police about increased patrols, residents have observed little improvement in the situation. Latchman is now calling on the Lami Town Council and the government to implement long-term measures to combat the ongoing issue. “This shouldn’t be normal every year when the celebrations come around. We need a change, and we need it now,” she proclaimed.
The situation has led to a debate among residents about who is responsible for maintaining the beach and has fueled demands for stricter enforcement of anti-littering laws to protect the environment and maintain Pacific Harbour’s reputation as a beautiful tourist destination. The Fiji Times has reached out to the Lami Town Council regarding this pressing matter, but the inquiries posed weeks ago before the escalation of the problem have yet to receive a response.
This situation highlights the importance of community ownership and responsibility in preserving natural spaces, particularly those that attract visitors. A collective effort from residents, local authorities, and visitors alike could lead to effective solutions that ensure the beauty and sustainability of Pacific Harbour’s coastline for future generations.
Summary: Residents of Pacific Harbour are frustrated with the state of their beach, littered with garbage after the holiday season. Rohini Latchman, a local property owner, is calling for action from local authorities to address the issue and enhance environmental responsibility among beachgoers. The situation raises questions about accountability for beach clean-ups and underscores the need for stricter anti-littering measures to preserve the area’s natural beauty.
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