Pacific Ambassadors Set Sail: A Journey of Unity and Resilience

After a nine-year break from international voyages, 15 members of the Uto ni Yalo are set to sail across the Pacific Ocean to attend the 53rd Pacific Islands Forum Leaders Meeting in Tonga.

The “Sautu Voyage” symbolizes the prosperity and unity of the Pacific, retracing the historic routes of ancestral leaders and emphasizing the significance of traditional knowledge in tackling contemporary environmental issues.

This journey aims to underscore the necessity of safeguarding 30 percent of the Pacific Ocean and addressing challenges like climate change, aligning with the PIFLM53 theme of Transformative Resilient Pasifiki: Build Better Now. Uto ni Yalo trustee Reverend James Bhagwan announced that the crew would cover nearly 800 kilometers as ambassadors of goodwill for the Pacific voyaging community.

“We are undertaking this journey in response to a regional call for Pacific unity and resilience,” said Rev Bhagwan.

Crew member Lilieta Siakai expressed their readiness for the four-day voyage, aimed at promoting peace and collaboration. “This voyage signifies the unity and solidarity of our region, a message we are eager to convey to the leaders at PIFLM 53,” she stated.

“Beyond the meeting, this sail offers us a chance to reconnect with the ocean, draw strength from it, and share our ancestors’ ancient wisdom with the world.”

The crew will depart from Fiji’s waters for Tonga tomorrow.

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