Overcrowding Crisis: The Struggles of Suva Remand Centre

The Suva Remand Centre is currently housing over 300 remandees, significantly exceeding its intended capacity of 200, with an actual count of 281. This overcrowding issue was highlighted by Justice Waleen George during a recent High Court case in Suva. He noted that the situation has been persistent, stating, “I should let all of you know that the remand centre is very full.”

In a meeting held two weeks prior with the acting commissioner, it was confirmed that the remand centre is meant to accommodate 200 individuals. Due to the excess population, some remandees have had to be placed in Suva’s Korovou Prison, despite it not being the appropriate facility for them, which Justice George remarked is a challenging problem.

In response to the overcrowding, Fiji Corrections Service Commissioner Dr. Jalesi Nakarawa acknowledged the difficulties faced, mentioning, “We grapple with overcrowding daily, but we have to make do with the resources we have.” He provided an update on the remand centre’s situation, explaining that the actual strength is currently at 281, with an additional 20 remandees temporarily held in a separate Suva facility due to the conditions.

Justice Minister Siromi Turaga indicated that efforts are underway to enhance the capacity of the remand centres. He stated, “What we will do probably in the next financial year is work with Fiji corrections and the Government to see if we can improve the capacity.” He emphasized the importance of ensuring the safety and rights of the remandees, asserting that their well-being should not be compromised.

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