Opposition Unity on the Line: Can They Work Together?

Speaker Ratu Naiqama Lalabalavu emphasized the importance of collaboration among the two groups in the Opposition, noting that they entered Parliament as members of the same party. He mentioned that the deregistration of FijiFirst could have led to a by-election, but that would not be the case now.

Lalabalavu revealed that he had previously reached out to the 26 members, urging them to consider their options when faced with the aftermath of deregistration, whether to remain independent or join other political parties. He pointed out that while some members expressed their intent to be seen as independents, they technically came into office through the party system and, due to changes in the law, are now regarded as independents.

He also highlighted that the members had agreed to collaborate during the business committee meetings and share questions, suggesting that this cooperative spirit should continue. Lalabalavu described the division of MPs into two distinct groups as a demonstration of democracy, allowing for effective work despite their common origins.

He remarked that if circumstances were different, a by-election might have been necessary for all 26 seats, but that is not the current situation. As such, he encouraged the members to maintain their collaboration as they continue their duties in the House as independents organized in two functioning groups.

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