Opposition Unity: A Call to Collaborate in Uncertain Times

Speaker Ratu Naiqama Lalabalavu has emphasized the importance of collaboration between the opposing groups in Parliament, noting that they entered as part of the same party. Following the deregistration of FijiFirst, he pointed out the potential for by-elections, which will not occur.

In a recent address, he mentioned that he had previously reached out to the 26 members to discuss their future options in the face of deregistration. “When the Supervisor of Elections makes a decision on the deregistration, what will you choose to be?” he asked. Members were faced with the choice of becoming independents or joining other political parties, and some have expressed a preference for independence during parliamentary debates.

He explained that being independent means they are no longer part of a political party, despite having initially been elected through one. He encouraged the members to continue collaborating, as they had shown willingness to work together during business meetings.

Lalabalavu described the current situation of divisions among MPs as a sign of democracy, where they now function in groups despite their shared party history. He reiterated that if a shift had not occurred, a by-election for all 26 seats could have been a possibility, which has now been averted. He urged the members to work together moving forward as they remain in Parliament as independents within two working groups.

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