Opposition MP Premila Kumar has voiced strong disapproval of Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka’s recent cabinet expansion, which involved appointing seven new ministers and assistant ministers. Kumar has raised concerns about this decision, which contradicts the government’s pre-election promises to reduce costs and streamline the administration.
She criticized the Prime Minister for creating what she described as a “bloated” cabinet, leading to a total of 34 members, including 22 Cabinet Ministers and 12 Assistant Ministers—making it one of the largest in Fiji’s history. Kumar’s statement provocatively questioned, “What happened to their promise of reducing government size and cutting unnecessary costs?” She argues that rather than addressing inefficiencies and holding underperforming ministers accountable, the cabinet expansion serves to protect ineffective officials.
Kumar pointed out that the financial implications of this expanded cabinet fall heavily on taxpayers, especially during times of economic struggle. “Why add unnecessary expenses to taxpayers already struggling with a high cost of living?” she asked, highlighting that funds allocated to support this enlarged cabinet could be better directed toward urgent national issues such as post-flood recovery, healthcare shortages, and infrastructure repairs.
In response, Prime Minister Rabuka has defended the decision, asserting that the new appointments are aimed at improving service delivery and government efficiency, rather than an effort to consolidate power in anticipation of the upcoming 2026 General Election.
The criticism from Kumar is echoed by other political figures, including former Prime Minister Mahendra Chaudhry, who also labeled the cabinet expansion as irresponsible and irresponsible in the current economic climate.
This ongoing dialogue around governance serves as a critical opportunity for reform. It allows for increased scrutiny that may prompt the government to realign its focus on public service delivery and accountability. Observers are hopeful that this scrutiny will lead to meaningful changes responsive to the pressing issues that Fijians face.
In summary, while the cabinet expansion has attracted substantial backlash for its inefficiency and failure to align with public expectations, it simultaneously presents a chance for reform that could transform governance in Fiji. If the government engages openly with citizens’ concerns, it might foster a more effective and trustworthy leadership model that prioritizes the needs of the Fijian populace, ultimately enhancing public trust in the administration.
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