Opposition MP Raises Alarm Over Government’s Financial Management Tactics

Opposition MP Premila Kumar has raised concerns over the government’s decision to redeploy funds from the 2023-2024 budget after the financial year has concluded. She questioned why the Cabinet is approving these fund reallocations in August, given that the financial year ended in July.

In an interview, Kumar criticized the lack of foresight and effective financial management in these actions. She highlighted the Finance Minister’s failure to clarify the $105.2 million in both over-expenditures and under-expenditures previously addressed in July, despite his assurances of transparency.

Kumar emphasized that the current administration must prove its efficacy in improving the lives of Fijians through responsible financial practices and fulfilling its commitments. She expects the government to be accountable for its actions, ensuring public funds are utilized for the benefit of citizens rather than to obscure mismanagement issues.

The Opposition MP also pointed out that the Finance Minister’s remarks on fund redeployment appeared defensive, aiming to sidestep genuine concerns rather than offer transparent explanations. She stressed the Opposition’s role in demanding stringent expenditure oversight and upholding good governance.

The focus, according to Kumar, is not on personal attacks but on accountability regarding the effective use of public funds for all Fijians. She criticized the Minister for using comparisons with past administrations as a tactic to avoid addressing crucial issues of budget management.

Kumar further noted that the challenges of under-expenditure are equally concerning, indicating a failure in implementing planned initiatives. She cited examples such as the lack of progress on rural electrification projects despite a $4.1 million allocation, and the Ministry of Education’s minimal utilization of funds intended for school upgrades. These shortcomings raise doubts about the government’s dedication to fulfilling its promises.

She asserted that issues like teacher pay in the Ministry of Education should be resolved in the upcoming 2024-2025 budget instead of relying on adjustments from the previous year’s budget. Kumar made a similar point regarding the needs of the Fiji Police Force.

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