“No Affiliation, Just Accountability: Independent MP’s Stance Revealed”

Opposition MP Ketan Lal firmly asserts that he remains unaffiliated with any political party, emphasizing his role as an Independent MP committed to holding the government accountable.

Lal firmly rejects recent claims in a daily newspaper suggesting he is aligned with a coalition party. “I wish to categorically refute the claims made by one of the dailies suggesting that I will remain independent yet support Prime Minister Rabuka,” he stated. “Let me be unequivocally clear: I stand as an Independent MP, committed to scrutinizing government actions and holding them accountable.”

The Independent MP clarified that he was not among the former FijiFirst MPs who met with the Prime Minister last week. “The media organization’s portrayal of my position is misleading. I am not aligned with any politician,” Lal asserted.

“My support for initiatives will only come when they align with the national interest, as was the case with the stance on Japan’s nuclear waste release last year or even climate change,” Lal explained.

He further emphasized his dedication to his role, stating, “My role is to serve as a vigilant and steadfast Independent member of parliament, ensuring that the government is rigorously challenged and the voice of the people is represented with integrity and determination.”

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