Nine-year-old Sainimere Bose, a student at Madhuvani Sangam School in Ra, has received the ‘Showing Exemplary Progress in Personal Development’ award from Vision Fiji. Despite facing considerable challenges, Sainimere has continued her education by using her feet for writing and other activities that are typically performed with hands.
This recognition is conferred upon individuals who have made remarkable strides in personal growth, even while confronting difficult circumstances. Sainimere’s inspiring journey caught the attention of Vision Fiji after her story was shared on the Fiji Times’ Facebook page.
Vishal Raj Goundar, her head teacher, expressed profound pride in Sainimere’s accomplishments, emphasizing that her resilience and determination are key to her success. He recalled how Sainimere was discovered through a community outreach initiative by the school, during which her mother expressed her daughter’s desire to learn. This led to Sainimere attending Madhuvani Sangam School, renowned for its commitment to inclusive education.
Mr. Goundar acknowledged the indispensable support Sainimere received from her educators, family, and the community, highlighting her exceptional achievements. He referred to her as a “beacon of hope,” noting her impressive academic and creative skills, such as her ability to stay within the lines when coloring.
In just two years at school, Sainimere has accomplished remarkable feats. “Even without capabilities, if you have trust in your heart, you can achieve anything,” he stated. Mr. Goundar expressed his pride in having her as a student, calling her a role model, not just for her peers but for the wider community in Fiji as well.
Sainimere’s story reflects the power of determination and inclusion in education, offering hope and inspiration to many facing their own challenges.
This narrative serves as a reminder that with support and the right mindset, individuals can thrive regardless of their circumstances. Sainimere’s achievements encourage a collective commitment to fostering inclusive environments for all learners.
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