The arrival of a newborn is always a cherished event, but it holds a unique significance when it coincides with New Year’s Day. In a heartwarming series of events, three mothers welcomed their babies as the calendar turned, marking the start of a new year with joy and gratitude.
At the Suva Colonial War Memorial Hospital, Mereseini Likucokocoko gave birth to a baby boy just 44 minutes after midnight on Tuesday, eleven days earlier than expected. The baby weighed 2.85 kilograms. Despite her challenging labor experience, Ms. Likucokocoko expressed immense gratitude towards the midwives and medical staff for their support, saying, “It was a surprise; we did not expect him till January 11, but I thank God for this healthy gift.” She emphasized that this moment would be a cherished memory for her family.
In Nadi, another new mother, Akeneta Ranadi, welcomed a baby girl at Nadi Hospital, also arriving earlier than planned with a due date of January 8. “It’s a blessing to give birth on New Year’s Day,” she said. Her daughter weighed 3.78 kilograms. Ms. Ranadi, who lives with her children while her partner works overseas, shared her optimism, stating, “This is the first blessing of the year, and I’m hopeful for more blessings in the months ahead.”
Meanwhile, in the northern region on Kia Island, Senimili Duavokavoka experienced her own blessing after being rushed to Labasa Hospital on New Year’s Eve. At 2 am, she gave birth to a healthy son, Suliasi Vunibola Turaganivalu, who weighed 3.7 kilograms. Describing her son as the perfect gift, she expressed her emotions saying, “When I heard his first cry, I felt relief and joy. This is the best gift I could receive, and I thank Jesus for blessing us.” Her husband, Seresio Turaganivlau, shared in her joy, proud to be a new father.
This collective celebration of new life on New Year’s Day fills the hearts of these families with hope and excitement for what lies ahead. Each mother’s story illustrates the extraordinary joy that new beginnings can bring, reminding all of us that the arrival of a child can symbolize fresh starts and abundant possibilities for the year to come.
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