In the early hours of New Year’s Day 2025, the Northern Division experienced its first fire incident when a four-bedroom residence in Waiqele, Labasa, was completely consumed by flames. The homeowners, Shalenee Devi and Nileshwar Prasad, were away in New Zealand celebrating the holidays with family and received the heartbreaking news from a relative.
“Our caretaker was away for the New Year holiday when the incident occurred around 3 am,” Ms. Devi recounted. She expressed heartfelt gratitude towards a neighbor who promptly contacted the National Fire Authority (NFA) for assistance.
Despite facing significant challenges, such as limited resources with only one water tank and a damaged hose, the fire brigade worked tirelessly to manage the blaze. Mr. Prasad praised their efforts, saying, “They did their best.”
The fire caused considerable damage, destroying two cars and partially damaging two vans, with estimated losses amounting to $250,000. The couple suspects arson, referencing past troubling incidents involving threats and vandalism at their nearby shop. “These events make us hopeful that the authorities will act swiftly to bring those responsible to justice,” Ms. Devi stated.
Both homeowners expressed optimism following the incident. They confirmed that they have filed a police report and are confident that the authorities will identify the culprits, preventing similar tragedies in the future.
The Chief Executive Officer of the NFA, Puamau Sowane, sympathized with the affected family and noted the difficulties faced by firefighters due to the lack of fire hydrants and accessible water sources in the area. “The available water in the tank was fully utilized,” he explained, urging residents in more remote areas to take additional safety precautions.
Acting Divisional Police Commander North, Superintendent Eroni Soqosoqo, confirmed the investigation is active, awaiting the NFA report to determine the next steps. “This is the first fire report in the North for 2025,” he noted.
In summary, while the situation is dire for the affected family, their resilience and proactive approach in dealing with the aftermath of the fire serve as a hopeful reminder of community spirit and the importance of vigilant authorities in safeguarding public safety.
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