Illustration of New Year’s Babies Arrive: 2025’s First Little Miracles

New Year’s Blessings: Fijian Families Welcome Surprise Babies

The start of the New Year holds particularly special significance for several mothers in Fiji, as they welcomed their newborns on January 1st. Mereseini Likucokocoko celebrated the arrival of her baby boy just 44 minutes after midnight at the Suva Colonial War Memorial Hospital, 11 days ahead of his expected due date. Weighing 2.85 kilograms, she expressed immense gratitude to the medical staff for their support during a difficult labor. “It was a surprise; we did not expect him until January 11, but I thank God for this healthy gift,” she stated, emphasizing how momentous this occasion will be for her family.

In Nadi, Akeneta Ranadi, 29, also welcomed a baby girl at Nadi Hospital, arriving earlier than anticipated as her due date was January 8. She articulated her joy, calling the event a blessing. “This is the first blessing of the year, and I’m hopeful for more blessings in the months ahead,” she said. Ranadi, who resides alone with her children while her partner works abroad, sees her newborn as a sign of prosperity.

In the northern region, Senimili Duavokavoka from Ligau Village on Kia Island gave birth to a son, named Suliasi Vunibola Turaganivalu, at 2 a.m. after being rushed to Labasa Hospital on New Year’s Eve. Weighing 3.7 kilograms, she described him as the ideal addition to their family. “When I heard his first cry, I felt relief and joy,” said Duavokavoka, expressing her thankfulness for this precious gift.

These stories reflect not only the joy and surprises that new life can bring but also the universal hope that accompanies each birth. As these families begin the New Year, they are filled with dreams and positivity, welcoming their newborns as harbingers of happiness and prosperity.

This uplifting story illustrates the incredible moments that can unfold when welcoming a new child, which reminds us all of the joy and hope that can emerge even in uncertain times.


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