In an unfortunate start to 2025, the Northern Division witnessed its first fire incident on New Year’s Day when a four-bedroom house in Waiqele, Labasa, was consumed by flames in the early hours of the morning. Homeowners Shalenee Devi and Nileshwar Prasad, who were in New Zealand celebrating the holidays with family, were informed of the tragic event by a relative.
Ms. Devi noted, “Our caretaker was away for the New Year holiday when the incident occurred around 3am.” The prompt action of a neighbor, who contacted the National Fire Authority (NFA), likely helped to mitigate further damage.
Despite facing challenges due to limited resources, the fire service worked diligently to control the fire. “With only one water tank and a damaged hose, they did their best,” acknowledged Mr. Prasad, highlighting the difficulties faced by the fire crew. Unfortunately, the blaze resulted in significant damage, destroying two cars and partially damaging two vans.
The couple suspects arson, as they have experienced prior threats and acts of vandalism, including stone-throwing and an attempted break-in at their shop located near the Waiqele Airport. “These events make us hopeful that the authorities will act swiftly to bring those responsible to justice,” said Ms. Devi. They believe that their situation can lead to greater vigilance in the community.
Although the damages are estimated to total $250,000, the family remains hopeful. “We have lodged a police complaint and trust the authorities will uncover the truth and prevent such tragedies from affecting others,” Ms. Devi added.
Puamau Sowane, chief executive officer of the NFA, offered his sympathies to the family, noting that the lack of fire hydrants and water sources in the area hindered the fire response efforts. He emphasized the importance of residents being cautious, especially those living further from fire stations.
Meanwhile, Acting Divisional Police Commander North, Superintendent Eroni Soqosoqo, confirmed that an investigation is underway. “We are awaiting the NFA report to determine our next course of action,” he stated.
In summary, while the fire incident represents a devastating loss for the family, their resolve to seek justice and the community’s support can pave the way for increased safety measures and improved fire response protocols in the region. This situation serves as a reminder of the importance of community vigilance and cooperation with authorities to prevent similar incidents in the future.
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