The arrival of newborns on New Year’s Day is a heartwarming event, marking a fresh start for families. This New Year began with joy for several families in Fiji, welcoming newborns just after the clock struck midnight.
Mereseini Likucokocoko was among those celebrating as she gave birth to a baby boy at the Suva Colonial War Memorial Hospital only 44 minutes into the new year. Despite having been due on January 11, her baby arrived 11 days early, weighing 2.85 kilograms. Overwhelmed with gratitude, Likucokocoko praised the midwives and medical staff for their support. “It was a surprise; I thank God for this healthy gift,” she expressed, marking this unexpected situation as a cherished family moment.
In Nadi, Akeneta Ranadi, 29, also felt blessed after welcoming a baby girl, whose expected arrival was on January 8. With her daughter weighing 3.78 kilograms, Ranadi exclaimed, “This is the first blessing of the year, and I’m hopeful for more blessings in the months ahead.” As a single mother while her partner works abroad, she sees this new addition as a sign of prosperity and joy.
Further north on Kia Island, Senimili Duavokavoka experienced her own joyful moment. After being rushed to Labasa Hospital on New Year’s Eve, she celebrated the birth of her son, Suliasi Vunibola Turaganivalu, at 2 am. Weighing 3.7 kilograms, Duavokavoka described her baby as the perfect gift that completes their family. “When I heard his first cry, I felt relief and joy,” she said, expressing her heartfelt gratitude for this blessing.
These joyous births on the first day of the year symbolize hope and new beginnings for the families involved, offering a positive outlook for the months ahead. Each mother sees their newborn as a precious gift and a sign of good fortune as they embark on a new chapter in their lives.
This New Year’s Day not only marked the start of a new year but also the beginning of new journeys for these families, filled with love and hope for the future.
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