New Leadership on the Horizon: The Race for Electoral Commission Chair Begins!

The search for a new chairperson for the Electoral Commission has commenced. This position became vacant following lawyer Barbara Malimali’s appointment as Commissioner of the Fiji Independent Commission Against Corruption (FICAC) earlier this month.

Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka, who also chairs the Constitutional Offices Commission, confirmed that he has requested members of the commission to submit their nominations for the new chairperson of the Electoral Commission.

“I have informed the COC that there is a vacancy now at the Electoral Commission for a chair and asked for nominations to be sent via written opinion by email,” Mr. Rabuka stated. He noted that his initial nominee declined the position. “I sent in one, but after checking with the person I nominated, he graciously requested to be left out. So, I have to find someone else to nominate.”

Once the nominations are submitted, Mr. Rabuka indicated that the members of the COC would then hold a vote to select the new chairperson. “When the nominations arrive, we can call for a vote. We vote, and based on that, we will choose the new chair of the Electoral Commission.”

The members of the COC include Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka, Opposition Leader Inia Seruiratu, Attorney-General Graham Leung, Cema Bolabola, Jon Apted, and Tupou Draunidalo.

In addition, Mr. Rabuka mentioned that he has not yet received any updates regarding the appointment of a new Commissioner of Police. “The COMPOL position has not been communicated back to me. I am aware we went through an advertisement process, but the results, shortlisting, and interview outcomes have not been relayed to me.”

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