New Evacuation Centre Opens in Yasawa: A Lifeline for the Community

The Yasawa community has received a significant boost with the inauguration of a new evacuation centre in Yalobi Village, which took place on Wednesday. This development marks a notable improvement over past experiences, particularly during Hurricane Bebe in 1972, when villagers had to take the dangerous journey to a cave to ensure the safety of their elderly, women, and children. The new facility eliminates the need for such treacherous treks, enhancing the region’s disaster preparedness.

The Assistant Minister for Rural and Maritime Development and Disaster Management, Jovesa Vocea, officiated the opening of the new centre, which was established with a total investment of $62,139. This amount included a government contribution of $29,433 for retrofitting the existing structure. Mr. Vocea expressed gratitude to the United Nations Development Programme Governance for Resilience Project (UNDP Gov4Res) for their financial assistance of $32,706 under the Risk-Informed Development initiative.

“This project demonstrates the valuable ongoing partnership between the UNDP Gov4Res Project and our government, particularly with the Ministry of Rural and Maritime Development and Disaster Management,” he remarked.

He also praised the villagers for their significant contribution toward building the original facility, which was funded completely by the community with $47,000.

“Your dedication to creating a refuge for your families, friends, and neighbors in times of need is commendable. This centre will serve as a lifeline for around 200 residents of this village and future generations, offering hope, safety, and security,” Vocea added.

Village headman Nacanieli Vakalagilagi highlighted the importance of the facility in safeguarding the community against the impacts of natural disasters. He pointed out that Yalobi Village’s geographical location makes it especially vulnerable to various severe weather events.

“Be it cyclones, flooding, or other disasters, we are at risk. This facility accommodates the elderly, the disabled, and the villagers. We have a painful history, having sought refuge in a cave during Hurricane Bebe in 1972, located about two kilometers away. With this milestone achievement, those painful memories will be part of the past,” he stated.

The new evacuation centre features enhancements such as a two-sided porch, a new kitchen, separate toilet and bathroom facilities, ramps for disability access, two 10,000-litre rainwater storage tanks, kitchen utensils, tables and chairs, as well as a new solar electrification system.

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