New Classrooms and Solar Power: A Bright Future for Fiji’s Naceva District School!

At the picturesque Island of Kadavu, the teachers and students of Naceva District School celebrated the arrival of their new classrooms and solar power system.

During an official handover event, the Naceva District School Management expressed their gratitude for the new classroom furniture and facilities provided by the Japanese Embassy. This project was funded with a total of FJD $377,764.81 through Japan’s Grant Assistance for Grassroots Human Security Projects (GGP) Program.

Mr. Rokuichiro Michii, the Japanese Ambassador to Fiji, formally handed over the new classroom facilities, accompanied by New Zealand’s High Commissioner, Her Excellency Charlotte Darlow, and Hon. Lenora Qereqeretabua, the Assistant Minister for Foreign Affairs.

Additionally, in a related celebration marking the opening of the new classroom block, High Commissioner Darlow officially delivered the solar power system to the school. The New Zealand High Commission had collaborated with Naceva District School in May 2022 to establish a solar-powered system to provide clean energy for classroom lighting, office equipment, and internet access.

Assistant Minister Qereqeretabua expressed her appreciation on behalf of the Fijian Government to both Japan and New Zealand for their significant contributions to the project, which is expected to greatly enhance the experience for students and staff at the Naceva District School.

With the introduction of the new classrooms, furnishings, and solar power system, the educational environment has been improved, fostering academic achievement.

Both the New Zealand High Commission and the Japanese Embassy reiterated their commitment to advancing Fiji’s education initiatives and community development efforts, emphasizing the importance of increased cooperation and support.

During their official visit, the Kadavu Provincial Administrator briefed Assistant Minister Qereqeretabua, Ambassador Michii, and High Commissioner Darlow on ongoing development projects and future plans to enhance health, education, and other community facilities on Kadavu.

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