Never Too Late: A 72-Year-Old’s Inspiring Journey to Education

At 72 years old, Divendra Prasad Sharma has proudly earned a Certificate IV in counseling, achieving a dream he has held for decades. This milestone, celebrated during the University of the South Pacific’s graduation ceremony, goes beyond just finishing a program; it represents his enduring commitment to lifelong learning.

Growing up as the eldest of nine children in a financially struggling household, Mr. Sharma’s aspirations for higher education were set aside after completing Form 6. Taking on the role of caregiver for his siblings, he focused on supporting his family instead of pursuing further studies.

Despite these challenges, Mr. Sharma maintained his ambition of attending university. Over the years, he held various jobs, including working at Vinod Patel, driving buses, and ultimately starting a successful taxi business. Throughout this time, the hope of continuing his education remained alive.

His daughter, who now teaches at USP, was instrumental in keeping that dream within reach. Witnessing her and others seize educational opportunities fueled Mr. Sharma’s belief that he still had time to achieve his goal. “Success comes with change,” he noted, expressing the hope he always carried that he would eventually fulfill his ambition to study at USP.

Earlier this year, during USP’s orientation week at the Laucala Campus, Mr. Sharma was inspired by the vibrant university environment and felt ready to take the leap. He enrolled in the USP Pacific Technical and Further Education program and dedicated himself fully to his studies.

For him, the journey was enjoyable because he was genuinely invested in it. “If you do it with your heart, you won’t face any difficulty in doing what you want,” he shared. His achievement serves as a beacon of inspiration for both the younger generation and those of his own age who may have given up on their dreams.

He encourages others to pursue their educational goals, stating, “There are many people who have the chance to study but don’t take it. I wanted to bring a change. If not yesterday, then today.” Mr. Sharma’s message is straightforward yet impactful: “Education is everything. Try, and you can do anything.”

For his peers, he emphasizes that it’s about setting priorities. “You can do anything, no matter your age.” With his certificate now in hand and his dreams realized, Mr. Sharma has no plans for further academic pursuits. This accomplishment marks the conclusion of a journey that exemplifies the idea that it is never too late to follow one’s dreams.

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