National Health Minister Pledges Equity for All Fijians

The Minister for Health, Dr. Atonio Lalabalavu, emphasized that his responsibilities cover all of Fiji, not just the regions where he secured the highest number of votes during the national elections.

Dr. Lalabalavu noted that although he campaigned in Taveuni, he has not been able to visit the area in several weeks. He was uncertain about his last visit there. When asked if the areas where he garnered the most votes would receive more attention during his term, he reiterated that as a member of the Coalition Government, his duty is to serve the entire nation of Fiji.

He clarified that his ministerial role entails accountability to all Fijians and stressed that his commitment extends beyond the geographical boundaries of his campaign areas. In addressing inquiries from reporters, the minister mentioned that he had toured various health facilities across the country to understand and tackle the challenges faced by healthcare workers.

Dr. Lalabalavu emphasized that improvement in health infrastructure nationwide is essential for enhancing the standard of service provided by the ministry to the populace.

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