National Emergency: Fiji’s Call to Arms Against Drug Crisis

The leader of UNITY Fiji, Savenaca Narube, has called for drug-related issues to be declared a national emergency, advocating for the allocation of resources to address the growing social problem. He emphasized that, similar to a war, both financial and human resources are essential to effectively combat the issue.

Narube proposed the immediate formation of a national emergency declaration and a ‘war council’ that involves all relevant stakeholders. He mentioned the need for prompt actions alongside medium- to long-term strategies.

He stressed that the fight against drugs should not be limited to government departments but should also include faith-based organizations and community members. “All must unite to stand together in this battle. This is a war we cannot afford to lose,” he asserted, highlighting the pivotal role churches play in shaping community behavior. He urged these organizations to take an active stance at the forefront of the effort.

In terms of strategy, Narube outlined a comprehensive ‘war plan’ that calls for strengthening family units, focusing on the most vulnerable populations, increasing education and awareness in both urban and rural areas to decrease demand, and bolstering law enforcement with enhanced resources and technology to cut off supply.

He urged the Minister for Finance, Biman Prasad, to allocate adequate resources for this initiative to succeed and proposed using military assistance to eliminate locally-grown drug supplies. Narube recommended passing stricter laws to impose longer prison sentences without parole for drug-related offenses and to confiscate assets accrued through drug trafficking, potentially funding the fight against drugs.

Additionally, he highlighted the necessity for police to be the sole law enforcement authority in the campaign. He also discussed the importance of establishing rehabilitation programs for those affected by drug issues.

Narube concluded that a focus on diversifying and strengthening the economy is crucial to raise income levels and tackle the root causes of social issues like drug abuse, urging immediate action to convene a War Council and protect future generations from falling prey to this crisis.

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