Narube Pushes for Price Control Revisions Amid Rising Costs

Unity Fiji party leader Savenaca Narube is urging the Government to reconsider its list of goods subject to price control, with the intention of temporarily broadening its scope. He believes this would enable both the Government and the business sector to better adjust the methods used for calculating price increases, leading to a fairer distribution of the financial strain.

Narube noted that nearly two years after taking office, the government’s approach to addressing the rising cost of living in the upcoming 2024/2025 national budget is primarily focused on increasing incomes through elevated minimum wages and enhanced allowances for education and welfare.

He criticized the Coalition Government for failing to effectively tackle the soaring cost of living, which continues to impact families across Fiji. He stated, “The increase in the cost of numerous goods and services defies any economic rationale. Sellers are merely taking advantage of the cost-of-living crisis to maximize their profits.”

According to Narube, Unity Fiji has consistently emphasized the importance of tackling the escalating cost of living from both perspectives, highlighting that the full financial burden is currently shouldered entirely by the public. He advocated for a more equitable allocation of these rising costs among both the corporate sector and the general populace.

Additionally, Narube proposed that the Government shift customs taxes away from essential goods towards luxury items without diminishing overall revenue. He also called for a review of Fiji’s exchange rate policy to enhance the stability of the Fiji dollar.

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