“Narube Challenges Tabuya’s Death Penalty Solution for Fiji’s Drug Crisis”

Savenaca Narube, leader of the Unity Fiji party, criticized the Minister for Women, Lynda Tabuya, for taking control of the dialogue surrounding the drug issue by supporting the death penalty, which he described as a “short-sighted solution.” Narube emphasized the need for Fiji to come together to combat the significant threat drugs pose to future generations, advocating for practical and acceptable solutions instead.

He remarked that the harsh stance of imposing the death penalty represents a severe violation of human rights and, by itself, will not solve the country’s drug crisis. Narube urged leaders to carefully consider their statements regarding this grave issue and to show respect for the Prime Minister and the Cabinet.

He insisted that addressing the drug crisis requires a comprehensive approach, where all necessary measures should be implemented in the correct order.

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