Narcotics Crisis: A Call to Save Our Communities

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Professor Biman Prasad, addressed the issue of drug abuse at the Vodafone GoldnWater Carnival held at Garvey Park, Tavua, highlighting it as a national crisis that affects not just individuals but also families and communities. During the event, which included the crowning of Miss GoldnWater and Miss Charity, he emphasized the severe consequences drugs can have on the nation if individuals do not reject them.

Prasad pointed out that the Government has implemented a National Drug and Narcotics Strategy but is now placing greater emphasis on supporting law enforcement and related agencies to combat the usage and spread of drugs within communities. He urged young people and anyone associated with drugs—whether through usage, supply, or any involvement—to firmly say no to drugs.

He warned that drugs are capable of destroying lives, as well as deeply harming families, friendships, productivity, and the overall social and economic structure of the country. Prasad cited examples from around the world, illustrating how the drug epidemic, particularly involving hard drugs, has devastated nations, families, and individuals.

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