The residents of Namara village in Ra warmly welcomed Ratu Josaia Niudamu, the newly appointed Assistant Minister for Justice, during his first official visit for a consultation meeting on Monday. This gathering was part of the Liwativale District consultation, where village elders greeted him with great respect and enthusiasm, highlighting their appreciation for the government’s engagement in their community.
Ratu Niudamu, who assumed office just last Friday, expressed his surprise and gratitude at the warm reception. “I arrived for the Liwativale District consultation, and I didn’t expect to be showered with this welcome by the elders of the village,” he remarked, emphasizing the significance of the villagers’ joy in having a government representative visit.
With a background as both a lawyer and a chief from Ra, Ratu Niudamu brings considerable experience to his new role. He previously worked for over a decade with the Office of the Director of Public Prosecution and ran his own legal practice, Niudamu Lawyers. His political journey began with the FijiFirst party but later transitioned to support the coalition group known as the Group of 9 (G9), which aligns with the governance led by Prime Minister Siromi Turaga.
Ratu Niudamu has indicated his commitment to supporting Minister Turaga in advancing governmental frameworks during their term leading up to the next elections. He also hinted at possible political aspirations, signifying a proactive approach to improving governance and restoring trust in public institutions.
The warm welcome he received sets a positive tone for his tenure, reflecting a broader sentiment of optimism and community engagement. This interaction underscores the government’s dedication to listening and responding to the needs of its citizens, paving the way for a hopeful political landscape in Fiji.
In summary, Ratu Niudamu’s first visit exemplifies a meaningful connection between the government and local communities, reinforcing a commitment to engagement and service that fosters hope for impactful governance in Fiji.
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