The inaugural Namaka Volleyball Tournament is set to unfold at Namaka Public School on January 17-18, bringing together volleyball enthusiasts from across Fiji for an exhilarating two-day competition. Tournament organizer Biu Tadranu shared that the event serves as a crucial precursor to the Fiji Volleyball Federation’s National Club Championships.
Tadranu noted that teams from various regions in the Western Division, as well as the North, are expected to participate. The tournament will host three categories: men’s, women’s, and mixed teams, anticipating a total of 50 competing teams. This includes 24 men’s teams, 10 women’s teams, and 16 mixed teams. To accommodate this high level of participation, six courts will be set up at the school, which is notable for its excellent facilities. In case of rain, participants will have access to an indoor venue, a unique advantage for volleyball events.
The tournament boasts attractive prize incentives, offering $2000 for the men’s winners, $1000 for the women’s champions, and $1000 for the mixed category winners. Registration fees are set at $300 for men’s teams, $200 for women’s, and $250 for mixed teams.
Tadranu further explained the tournament’s aim to provide a beneficial platform for youth, steering them away from potential criminal activities towards productive engagement. This initiative focuses not only on promoting volleyball but also on enhancing community involvement and supporting youth development.
With the tournament timing strategically planned just a week ahead of the National Club Championships, it offers an excellent opportunity for teams to refine their skills in preparation for the larger competition. The Fiji Volleyball Federation has acknowledged the significance of this event in gearing clubs towards national-level readiness.
Overall, this tournament promises to be a fantastic celebration of volleyball, fostering community spirit and youth participation, marking a hopeful step forward in sports engagement in Fiji.
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