The People’s Alliance Party (PAP) has successfully conducted elections for new office bearers at its Namaka sub-branch for the first time. During a recent meeting held last Saturday, general secretary Sila Balawa praised the efforts of the branch’s organizers for initiating this process early in the 2025 election cycle.
Balawa indicated that although previous meetings had identified potential candidates, it was now official as members who are registered and financially endorsed would formalize the elected roles. He emphasized that the party is already in “election mode.”
Mikaele Racika has been appointed as the new president of the Namaka PAP branch, expressing that the committee will have their full support moving forward. Racika highlighted the branch’s origins as part of the Nadi branch and pointed out that many supporters are from the aviation industry. He mentioned working closely with Nadi resident Ben Kush on strategies for the branch, expressing optimism about the support they have garnered since establishing the branch last year.
The official office bearers for the newly established Namaka PAP branch include:
– President: Mikaele Racika
– Vice President: Grace Shute
– Secretary: Kiti Niumataiwalu
– Treasurer: Rajesh Chandra
This development signifies a commitment to grassroots organization within the PAP, especially as it prepares for the upcoming elections. By fostering local leadership, the party aims to strengthen its presence and influence in the community, enhancing engagement with supporters and addressing their needs.
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