Naitasiri Council Embraces Indigenous Rights and Economic Transformation

The Naitasiri Provincial Council has successfully concluded its latest meeting, held at Tamavua Village on Thursday. This gathering saw the return of the paramount chief, Na Gone Turaga na Qaranivalu Ratu Inoke Takiveikata, who has been incarcerated for over a decade. Chief Takiveikata chose Tamavua Village for this meeting as he aims to host the provincial gathering next year, allowing the Vanua o Navuso sufficient time to prepare for his first hosting since his release.

A significant decision from the meeting was the council’s endorsement of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP). Jone Baledrokadroka, the chairman of the Naitasiri Provincial Council, expressed optimism about the council’s involvement with UNDRIP, emphasizing its importance in providing indigenous communities with access to their traditional resources.

Baledrokadroka explained that UNDRIP was established by the UN Assembly in 2007, and the Fijian government became a signatory only last year. He highlighted the need for the implementation of UNDRIP into local laws as part of the ratification process. UNDRIP consists of 46 articles that should be integrated into various governmental regulations. He acknowledged the slow progress but remained hopeful for positive changes for Fiji’s indigenous people.

On vacant titles, Baledrokadroka indicated the province’s objective to fill 80% of these titles by the end of the next year. Currently, the province has only about 54% filled. He expressed hope for the Native Land Commission to visit Naitasiri soon to help address the issue.

The council also agreed to collaborate with the Fiji Roads Authority to improve road infrastructure in the province’s highlands, where accessibility challenges remain, with some villages requiring hours of travel on foot or horseback.

Education was another concern discussed, with Minister Aseri Radrodro acknowledging ongoing issues related to teacher shortages and school infrastructure in the province. He assured that the government would address these challenges, including the delays in transport payments for students.

Furthermore, Naitasiri is considering establishing a business entity to drive economic growth. Baledrokadroka mentioned plans to utilize financial support from the TLTB and the Ministry of iTaukei Affairs to foster entrepreneurship among the indigenous population.

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