Naitasiri Council Champions Indigenous Rights Amid Economic Revitalization

The Naitasiri Provincial Council has concluded its meeting, which took place at Tamavua Village on Thursday. A significant highlight was the return of Na Gone Turaga na Qaranivalu Ratu Inoke Takiveikata, the paramount chief, after spending over a decade in prison. The chief requested that the meeting be held at Tamavua Village as he plans to host the provincial meeting next year, allowing the Vanua o Navuso adequate time to prepare for this important occasion.

One of the key outcomes of the council meeting was support for the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP). Naitasiri Provincial Council chairman Jone Baledrokadroka emphasized the significance of UNDRIP in contemporary society, stating that it grants indigenous people full access to their traditional resources. He mentioned that this declaration, established by the UN Assembly in 2007, gained government endorsement only last year. Baledrokadroka noted the necessity of integrating UNDRIP into local laws, which he believes will pave the way for a new era for Fiji’s indigenous people.

In addition to UNDRIP, the council addressed the matter of unclaimed land titles, expressing a goal to fill 80 percent of these titles by the end of next year. The current occupancy rate is about 54 percent, and hopes are pinned on the Native Land Commission’s upcoming visit to Naitasiri to review these vacant titles.

The council also plans to collaborate with the Fiji Roads Authority on road construction in the province’s highlands, responding to longstanding requests from community members for improved access.

Another concern raised at the meeting was the need for enhanced educational resources, including teacher availability, school infrastructure development, and transportation support for students. Education Minister Aseri Radrodro acknowledged that issues related to teacher shortages and infrastructure were widespread, not just in Naitasiri, and pledged to address the challenges.

Lastly, the province is considering the establishment of a business arm to stimulate economic growth, exploring potential investments and opportunities for entrepreneurial development among the iTaukei community. The meeting presented various resources and initiatives aimed at fostering business development in Naitasiri.

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