Naisili’s Inspiring Journey: A Cadet’s Final Salute

Josefata Naisili, the head boy of Natabua High School, achieved a significant milestone by receiving the baton of honour during the school’s cadet passing-out parade on Friday. He led a parade featuring 1,276 students who performed drills and formations after eight weeks of rigorous preparation.

Reflecting on his journey, Mr. Naisili stated, “Everything has a beginning and an end. Coming in as Year Nine students, we were eager to learn, but time has flown by, and now we find ourselves in Year 13, our final year.” He expressed a sense of nostalgia, noting the memories created within the school walls. “It’s quite sad to know we will be leaving at the end of the year, but life must go on.”

The 18-year-old, originally from Matacawalevu in Yasawa and with family ties to Naisisili in Yasawa, reminisced about his four years at the Lautoka institution. He lauded his fellow students for their collaborative effort in organizing a successful passing-out parade.

Mr. Naisili remarked, “Cadet training is an integral part of our experience here; it holds a special place in our hearts.” He shared insights about their training regimen, revealing that they practiced once a week for the first eight weeks before increasing to twice a week in the final stages. The final week focused on polishing their movements for the passing-out event.

He emphasized the weight of leadership, stating, “With great roles come great responsibilities, and I’m honored to be leading the school.” He encouraged juniors to seize every opportunity presented to them, saying, “Embrace every chance you get because once that opportunity is gone, it becomes merely a memory that you can’t act upon.”

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