Nadi Town Council’s special administrator, Prem Singh, is expressing optimism that the Minister for Women, Children, and Social Protection, Shashi Kiran, will take immediate action to address the increasing issue of street dwellers in Nadi. Singh emphasized the necessity of collaboration among government ministries, social welfare services, and religious organizations in outreach initiatives aimed at tackling homelessness and reducing instances of loitering.
During a recent meeting with the Nadi Chamber of Commerce, Singh highlighted the critical need for continuous monitoring and engagement from various government agencies, including those focused on land, education, and the iTaukei community. He believes that a comprehensive approach is essential to effectively mitigate issues linked to street begging and overall social challenges within the community.
Minister Kiran echoed Singh’s sentiments, underscoring the importance of collective action among various organizations, including charitable groups and non-governmental organizations, to develop effective support strategies. She noted that the local social welfare office often deals with complex cases that encompass issues related to drugs, violence, and mental health, thereby complicating the support for street dwellers.
One troubling incident she recounted involved a man using a partially blind child for begging, highlighting the urgent need for intervention to protect such vulnerable individuals. Kiran stressed that it is necessary to prevent the exploitation of children and acknowledged that mental health challenges further complicate family support for affected individuals.
Concerns have also been raised by local business owners, like Ashfaaq Khan and Marc McElrath, who have encountered disruptions caused by street dwellers near their establishments. They are advocating for a cohesive response from authorities to ensure both the safety of community members and the well-being of local businesses.
Despite the challenges posed by the rising number of street dwellers, the ongoing discussions and collaborative spirit among local authorities, businesses, and community organizations present a hopeful outlook for Nadi. By continuing to engage in dialogue and fostering cooperation, there is potential for meaningful interventions that can both support marginalized individuals and promote a secure environment for all residents.
In summary, these collective efforts signify a community’s commitment to address homelessness and its underlying causes, paving the way for positive changes and fostering a compassionate atmosphere that benefits everyone in Nadi.
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