Nadi Town Council’s special administrator, Prem Singh, is optimistic that Shashi Kiran, the Minister for Women, Children and Social Protection, will urgently address the rising number of street dwellers in Nadi. Singh emphasized the importance of involving relevant government ministries, social welfare services, and religious organizations in outreach programs, stating that collective efforts are necessary to alleviate the problem of loitering in the area.
During a meeting with members of the Nadi Chamber of Commerce, Kiran acknowledged the collaboration from various organizations, including churches and non-governmental organizations, necessary to tackle the issue of homelessness and begging. She mentioned how local stakeholders must work to find effective solutions to support vulnerable populations and restore dignity to those living on the streets.
Kiran also highlighted the challenges faced by Nadi’s social welfare office, noting that they deal with complex cases which often include issues related to drugs, violence, and mental health. She shared a specific incident where she intervened to assist a man using a partially blind child for begging, underscoring the need for thoughtful intervention in such cases.
There is a growing concern about children being exploited for begging, along with mental health challenges that hinder families from seeking help. The Minister expressed her commitment to addressing these issues through legislation reviews and by encouraging community engagement.
This engagement is crucial; local business owners like Ashfaaq Khan and Marc McElrath have raised alarms over the impact of street dwellers on their operations, urging for a coordinated response from local authorities. They emphasize that a collaborative approach will not only address the needs of the vulnerable but also create a safer, more pleasant environment for customers and businesses.
As Nadi moves forward with these discussions and collaborative efforts, it’s hopeful that compassionate strategies will emerge, ultimately benefiting the entire community by fostering an environment of support and understanding for both the vulnerable and local enterprises. The efforts reflect a commitment to social responsibility, with the potential for meaningful change in addressing homelessness and its underlying causes.
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