Two police officers in Nadi are currently under investigation for allegedly accepting a bribe. The incident, which was reported on Sunday, prompted the complainant to reach out after leaving the station to lodge a formal complaint. The authorities acted swiftly, leading to the arrest of the two officers shortly after the report was made.
Wame Boutolu, a spokesperson for the police, confirmed the ongoing inquiry being conducted by the Internal Affairs department. This incident highlights a growing concern surrounding integrity within the Fiji Police Force, resonating with previous allegations against officers in recent months that have also drawn public scrutiny.
In related cases, recent investigations have uncovered various misconducts among police officers. For instance, a high-ranking officer was recently implicated in a drug-related scandal, where substances believed to be cocaine and methamphetamine were found during a police stop. Acting Commissioner Juki Fong Chew emphasized that the Fiji Police will not condone any officer engaging in illegal activities or corrupt practices.
Minister for Home Affairs Pio Tikoduadua has acknowledged the presence of “rotten apples” within the police force and has advocated for a substantial reset aimed at improving the organization. He emphasized the need for the police to uphold the law they are sworn to enforce, restoring public confidence in the force.
As investigations unfold, there is a sense of hope that measures taken against corrupt practices within policing will lead to necessary reforms, enhancing accountability and fostering trust within the community. This situation presents an opportunity for increased scrutiny and improved practices within the police force, ultimately aiming for a more trustworthy and effective law enforcement agency in Fiji.
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