The Nadi Sports and Social Club emerged as champions in the inaugural Ladies Business House Bowls Competition last week, showcasing an impressive performance in the grand finale against Lautoka Wonder Women. The Nadi team, comprising Tascheen Stuart, Raijieli Jamieson, Anita Devi, Laisani Sinu, and Shami Devi, secured victory with a score of 16-13.
The Lautoka Wonder Women team, which included Bikashni Dass, Dinusha Chandima, Pritika Singh, and Ms. Low, fought valiantly but fell just short in a closely contested match. Shamal Kumar, secretary of the Nadi Sports Club, expressed pride in this milestone, highlighting its significance for women’s bowls in Nadi. He extended his congratulations to the winning team for their hard-earned victory and commended all participants for their spirit and sportsmanship during the competition.
Kumar emphasized that this tournament not only highlighted competitive spirit but also opened doors for women in the sport. The winners will now join the NSSC, contributing to the formation of a dedicated women’s team. His acknowledgment of participants, supporters, and organizers underscored the collective effort that made this event a resounding success.
In addition to the Cup Final, other results of the competition included Alligators defeating Fiji Airways in the Plate Final with a decisive 32-4 score, Zens Wonder Women overcoming Centrecom 16-9 in the Bowl Final, and Tourism Fiji triumphing over Wormald Security 18-8 in the Shield Final.
This event marks an encouraging step forward for women’s participation in sports, inspiring others to engage in bowling and creating a supportive environment for female athletes in the community.
Summary: The Nadi Sports and Social Club won the first Ladies Business House Bowls Competition, defeating Lautoka Wonder Women 16-13. The event celebrated women in sports and aims to establish a dedicated women’s bowling team at NSSC, fostering growth and inclusion in the sport.
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