Nabouwalu’s Town Transformation Stalled: What’s Next?

Significant advancements towards the transformation of Nabouwalu into a town have yet to be realized, according to Filimoni Vosarogo, the Minister for Lands and Mineral Resources. The initial proposal for this conversion dates back to 1976, yet over four decades later, progress remains minimal.

Jale Sigarara, the chairperson of the Nabouwalu Town taskforce committee, attributed the slow development to the government’s failure to allocate the necessary funds adequately. He expressed concerns that only partial funding is being released for the town’s development.

Additionally, Sigarara noted that delays in transferring the development lease to the committee have hindered the project. He mentioned that one of the key discussions in their recent meeting was to urge the government to expedite the transfer of the development lease.

Currently, the taskforce lacks the authority to specify when development and construction activities will commence. Nonetheless, Sigarara remains optimistic that the plans to establish Nabouwalu as a town will come to fruition in the near future.

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