Mystery Surrounding Tragic Death in Naduna Unsolved

A family in Naduna, Labasa is desperately seeking answers following the heartbreaking death of 26-year-old sugarcane laborer Jovilisi Katonibau last Thursday.

The tragic circumstances of his death, which is suspected to be a result of a hit-and-run accident, have left his mother, Salome Dikere, 55, stricken with grief.

Ms. Dikere expressed her sorrow, revealing how her world came crashing down when the police informed her of her son’s death, which occurred just a few meters from their home.

“Since my husband passed away in 2015, Jovilisi has been my pillar, helping to care for my nine grandchildren and ensuring they attend Vunimoli Islamia Primary School,” she said.

Jovilisi, her fourth eldest child, was a dedicated yaqona farmer in Drekeniwai Village, Cakaudrove. He frequently returned to Labasa during his free time to work as a sugarcane laborer, providing financial support to his family.

Recalling the events of July 3, Ms. Dikere noted that her son returned home around 6 p.m. after a day of cutting sugarcane.

They were preparing to attend a prayer service at the nearby church.

“He disappeared before the service ended, without saying where he was going. The next day, I received the devastating news,” she recounted, tears welling up in her eyes.

“He had never left without informing me and always encouraged his nieces and nephews to study.”

Struggling to hold back tears, Ms. Dikere said: “I need to know what happened that night so I can explain to my grandchildren why their uncle will not be coming back.”

Divisional Police Commander Northern, Senior Superintendent of Police Kemueli Baledrokadroka, stated that the investigation is ongoing.

The results of the post-mortem examination will guide the next steps in the case.

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