Mushroom Magic: Empowering Women in Nadawa

The mushroom cultivation initiative is proving to be a promising source of income for participants. This was highlighted by Nanise Litea, the leader of the Nadawa Methodist Women’s Fellowship, who noted that the group has seen a resurgence in activity, even after the departure of some senior members.

Nanise stated that there are currently 64 women involved in the fellowship, although only a few are actively engaged in mushroom cultivation. She has been living in Nadawa for 30 years and has led the group for the past two years.

The mushroom project commenced as part of a community workshop held at their church three months ago, following a suggestion from a group member. The initiative caught the attention of the Minister for Women, Lynda Tabuya, who witnessed their efforts.

Next week, Minister Tabuya will visit to provide further support for the women’s group and will attend a China-Fiji Juncao Technology Demonstration to enhance their mushroom cultivation training.

Additionally, Lynda provided two incubation machines, noting that the fellowship has been progressing well. She mentioned that growing mushrooms takes approximately seven days and encouraged the members, including a friend from Nadawa, to take on this project.

Currently, the mushrooms, which are priced at $5, can yield 500 grams per batch. They have encountered significant demand in the market and are successfully selling their produce. The fellowship also collaborates with the Minister of Women to facilitate mushroom sales.

Nanise emphasized that the venture not only cultivates teamwork but also provides financial benefits that significantly aid their fellowship, noting that they are actively seeking to establish a stable market for their products. Encouraging other women in the community, she urged them to join the fellowship and explore potential income-generating activities through mushroom cultivation.

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