Mushroom Magic: Empowering Women and Boosting Livelihoods in Nadawa

The mushroom initiative is providing a quick and effective way for women to generate income. This was highlighted by Nanise Litea, the leader of the Nadawa Methodist Women’s Fellowship. The fellowship was established by previous elders and has been revitalized since then.

Nanise indicated that there are currently 64 women involved in the organization, but only a few are participating in mushroom cultivation. She has been part of Nadawa for 30 years, leading the group for the last two.

The recent mushroom project originated from a practical demonstration conducted at their church three months ago, following an initiative led by Minister for Women, Lynda Tabuya, where members left behind their contact details to facilitate further engagement.

Next week, the minister will visit to provide support for the women’s group and will also return from the China-Fiji Juncao Technology Demonstration to enhance their mushroom cultivation training.

Additionally, Lynda provided them with two cultivation machines, acknowledging their progress and dedication to the project. A member of the group noted that one woman from Nadawa is particularly excelling in the cultivation efforts. It takes about seven days for the mushrooms to mature, and they are a high-quality product that is also quick to sell.

So far, the mushrooms have been sold at a price of $5 for 500 grams. There are significant opportunities in the market, and currently, members are actively selling the mushrooms along with the minister’s support.

It is reported that they are achieving good profits, which substantially aids their fellowship. They will continue striving to market their products effectively.

Nanise urges other women in the community to join the women’s group in order to cultivate more produce and quickly enhance their income-generating capabilities.

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