A resident of Vatuwaqa, Koroi Seru, who is accused of murdering a 32-year-old manager on New Year’s Eve, made his initial court appearance today at the Suva Magistrates Court. The charge of murder was presented before Magistrate Yogesh Prasad.
It is alleged that the victim, Javed Ali, was participating in a drinking party with Mr. Seru and six others when an altercation took place. This incident escalated to violence early on New Year’s Day, around 10:00 AM, resulting in Mr. Ali being assaulted severely, leaving him motionless on the floor.
Currently, Mr. Seru is in custody and the case has been forwarded to the High Court for further proceedings. The court has adjourned the matter for now.
This case highlights the serious implications of alcohol-related violence and serves as a reminder of the importance of responsible drinking during celebrations. The legal proceedings will continue to ensure justice is pursued diligently for all parties involved.
Summary: Koroi Seru is accused of murdering Javed Ali during a New Year’s Eve celebration and has been remanded in custody as the case transfers to the High Court.
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