Miss Nasinu Carnival Contestant Champions Domestic Violence Advocacy

Seven contestants are set to compete for the Miss Nasinu Carnival crown in the upcoming two weeks. One of the participants, Vinaina Marawa, has committed to advocating against domestic violence in homes and communities during the carnival.

Ms. Marawa aims to utilize the week-long event to address this critical issue, especially considering the high rates of violence against women in Fiji. Statistics indicate that two-thirds of women in the country have experienced physical or sexual violence from an intimate partner at some point in their lives. Furthermore, 60 percent of women encounter distressing situations at home due to a lack of support and abuse.

Representing the Nasinu Town Council, Ms. Marawa is not new to beauty pageants. At just 18 years old, she took part in the Teen category of the Hibiscus Festival. She views her involvement in the Nasinu Carnival as a chance to serve her community with dignity and respect. For her, it’s not merely about appearance; it’s about representing and advocating for the community.

During this carnival, she plans to focus on advocacy and instigating change at the national level, expressing eagerness to use her voice for this important cause. Ms. Marawa emphasizes that true change begins at home.

As the eldest of eight siblings raised by a single mother, she reflects on the significant responsibilities she had to shoulder. Balancing household duties with her education proved to be challenging, but the support from her mother made her journey rewarding. At this year’s Nasinu Carnival, Ms. Marawa intends to leverage the platform for her advocacy for change.

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